LIC has notified on its website that it will be conducting a separate online exam for all those candidates who wrote the MPSC examination on 18th May, 2013 but could not take the LIC AAO examination held on 18th May, 2013 in the State of Maharashtra. Such candidates are eligible to re-register for a separate online examination.
Opening date for registration | 31th May 2013 |
Closing Date for registration | 8th June, 2013 |
Tentative date of Examination | 23rd June, 2013 |
This is further to our Advertisement dated 16th May, 2013, opportunity is being given to all those candidates who wrote the MPSC examination on 18th May, 2013 but could not take the LIC AAO examination held on 18th May, 2013 in the State of Maharashtra. Such candidates are eligible to re-register for a separate online examination. The last date for re-registration is 8th June, 2013. The tentative date of examination will be 23rd June, 2013. Candidates will be intimated by email/SMS regarding downloading of hall tickets from 18th June, 2013.
ridiculous whats about Other state who miss the exam due to CGL .................