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Monday, April 22, 2013

Result of Lecturers vacancy through -APPSC are out

AP PSCAPPSC announced  the results of the Written Examination held on 06/01/2013 and 07/01/2013 for  the post of Lecturers in Government Polytechnic Colleges in A.P.Technical Education advertise under the  Notification No:19/2012, the shortlisted  candidates admitted for the ORAL TEST (Interview) to be held from 20 /05 /2013 to 13 /06 /2013 at 10.30 AM in the Commission’s Office, Prathiba Bhavan, M.J.Road, Nampally, Hyderabad

The candidates are required to produce the Original Certificates relating to Age (SSC),Qualifications, Community, Study (from 4th class to 10th class) etc., at the time of verification of documents at 8.30 AM from 20 /05 /2013 to13 /06 /2013 failing which, he/she will not be admitted for interview. If, on
further verification of certificates it is found that any candidate is not eligible with reference to the particulars furnished by him / her in the Application Form, the results of such candidate shall be cancelled at any stage during the process of selection. The qualified candidates, should download the Interview call letter, 2 verification checklists and 2 Revised Attestation forms and Non Creamy layer certificate [GO.MS.NO.3], and other relevant interview material from the Commission’s website www.apspsc.gov.in from 25-04-2013 at 11:00 AM onwards. The candidates pertaining to Civil Engineering Subject are
hereby informed to verify the Interview Schedule of Civil Engineering for knowing the date and time of Interview, in the Commission’s website: www.apspsc.gov.in .from 25-04-2013 onwards. The candidates
pertaining to other Subjects will be informed their respective Interview Schedules later.


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